Private Lessons
I have the know-how you need.
All private lessons are in the comfort of your own home and are tailor made specifically based on the individual dog. A full behavioual profile will be taken via the phone or internet before the appointment and then a program will be drawn up for you and after the appointment you will be left with a step by step instruction guide to follow. Unlimited phone calls after the initial appointment are welcome and encouraged for continued success. Shelley believes that great dogs don’t make themselves; dedicated, educated owners make great dogs, and most problems are just due to miscommunication.
new puppy owner?
Private lessons are especially helpful for new puppy owners. I train you how to train your dog right, right from the beginning.
A lot of new dog owners don’t realize that this is the time to start molding and shaping the behavior that you want when your pup grows up. Show your puppy from the beginning the behavior that is expected through fun little games. Instead of correcting problems when your pup is older, prevent them from occurring by early training. Most behavioral problems in adult dogs could have been prevented in puppyhood through proper socializing and early training.
Your puppy will be taught the following:
- House training
- Mouthing/biting/chewing
- Jumping up
- Basic house manners
- Accepting & walking nicely on leash
- How & when to socialize with new puppy
adult-dog owners?
A lot of dog owners start experiencing problems with their dog around the age of 1.5 years to 2 years of age. Many owners find their previously easy going puppy is now not so easy. The phrase ” he was so good when young” is heard by every dog trainer.
This is a very common problem with dog owners. Or perhaps you’ve just gotten an older dog that has come with a few problems. In any case, rather than just accept these problems as “quirks” owners can very easily change them which will lead to a happier dog who understands what is expected of him and then ultimately a happier home that does not have a problem dog.
Perhaps the problems are more serious in nature such as out and out aggressive behaviour towards other people or other dogs. Perhaps you have a rescue dog and your not sure what his background is and he is displaying some of the above mentioned behaviour and you are not sure how to deal with these problems.
Regardless of the issues, owners will first be taught how to effectively control their dogs 4 basic needs which is based on behavioural principles rather than obedience and then owners will be taught how to control the unwanted behaviour and replace it with more desirable behaviour, through obedience commands. For instance a jumping dog cannot sit and jump at the same time so if a sit is taught and the owner learns when the dog is likely to jump and instructs the dog to sit before he jumps, the jumping problem is replaced with sitting. Most problems are as easy as this but they involve “anticipating” an action before it happens and learning how to replace it with the right action.
The most common problems include
- Leash pulling
- Not coming when called
- Dashing out the front door any chance he gets
- Mild to serious aggressive behavior towards strangers or strange dogs while on leash
- Jumping up on all people entering the house or barking aggressively at new people entering the house.
- Disruptive or destructive behaviour either inside the house when the owner is gone